Sunday, September 25, 2005

About this Blog

I am an incest survivor. I know it sounds so dirty and harsh. But, that is the reality of it. I hope by posting my stories, I can reach out to someone (if someone happens to come along and read this). But, mostly I am doing this for me. I have come a long way in my life and my recovery, but sometimes things still creep up on me. And this is my way of dealing with it. I have been in counseling and it was extremely helpful. I only recently began to write again. I wrote a lot during the years of abuse and for a long time I couldn't write without going through all the pain all over again. And, I still have difficulty writing long hand. For some reason, I can type my thoughts and memories out and they do not have such an emotional impact on me. There will be no order to this. Just how things come to me. It will be about the abuse itself, my spiritual struggle and my identity quest. I am proud of what I have accomplished in my life and who I am. I have come a long ways.

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